05 février 2007

ne jamais s'adresser à son lecteur

Biafine, Ô Biafine.
Cette ode t'es dédiée,
Partenaire de nos virées
Si, si, t'inquiète où 'aiche, merci la famille t'as vu, gros, représente.
Biafine, Ô Biafine.
La nostalgie de ta fragrance m'engourdit.
Et la thermodynamique en pâtit.
Biafine, Ô Biafine.
Temps révolu des amours malheureuses
allant de concert avec espoir et lettres flatteuses.
Biafine, Ô Biafine.
Tu es partie, lâche, sans raison si ce n'est l'hiver.
Pourtant, qui sait, peut être bats-je encore,
pour toi Biafine, Ô Biafine

03 février 2007


"The development of artificially structured electromagnetic materials, termed metamaterials, has led to the realization of phenomena that cannot be obtained with natural materials. This is especially important for the technologically relevant terahertz (1 THz = 1012 Hz) frequency regime; many materials inherently do not respond to THz radiation, and the tools that are necessary to construct devices operating within this range—sources, lenses, switches, modulators and detectors—largely do not exist. Considerable efforts are underway to fill this 'THz gap' in view of the useful potential applications of THz radiation. Moderate progress has been made in THz generation and detection ; THz quantum cascade lasers are a recent example. However, techniques to control and manipulate THz waves are lagging behind. Here we demonstrate an active metamaterial device capable of efficient real-time control and manipulation of THz radiation. The device consists of an array of gold electric resonator elements (the metamaterial) fabricated on a semiconductor substrate. The metamaterial array and substrate together effectively form a Schottky diode, which enables modulation of THz transmission by 50 per cent, an order of magnitude improvement over existing devices."


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